Saturday, August 12, 2017


I started this most recent part of my journey, two months ago, with the feeling of being completely overwhelmed. The overwhelming feeling wasn't one that brought fear or angst, but joy and peace. As I began to pack my bags I found a new overwhelming joy, I was brought to tears with the thoughts of those who have played such a vital role in my life; those who have kept me focused on what I sometimes forget is important; they reminded me of the truth inside me, the things I deeply desired. 

I find myself overwhelmed at the support of friends who not only ask how they can pray for my time in Sudan, but who also gave and partnered with me financially so that I am able to go and serve and be a part of the lives of these beautiful people who have had their country and their lives tumultuously torn apart. 

I find myself overwhelmed with the grace that God has given me to see Him in the midst of everything swirling. I see the face of Jesus inviting me into a depth with Him that has cast out all fear and need for control. 

I find myself overwhelmed with hope of what will come in my life and in the lives of those I will soon meet and have the privilege to work with. 

I find myself overwhelmed with the depth of understanding that there is a hope that rules over every evil and every trial, and it comes through the transforming love of Jesus; Emmanuel: God with us, God among us, God in Wichita, and God in South Sudan.

And now, I must pack... 

But, here's an 11 minute and 13 second video for you to see where and what I'll be involved with.

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