Last September I was asked to be part of the staff which was pioneering a new school at Youth With A Mission Denver, the School of Social Justice. To be honest, going into the school I had absolutely no idea of the injustices which are going on in the world today. I spent 2 days a week sitting in on the lectures that angered me, tore my heart out, made me cry, and brought out a holy rage that I had never known before. There is something about injustice that I cannot live with. I have been exposed and I cannot sit around as kids, adults, black, white, poor, rich, PEOPLE, are beaten, made to be sex slaves, raped, and worked until they die... I cannot sit around and do nothing.
Our schools unclaimed motto became, "with knowledge comes great responsibility." And now I see this every day in my life. I see that everything I complain about would be a blessing and an amazing gift to about 90 percent of the world. Everything that I take for granted could be stripped away at any moment. When I hear the statistics: 2.2 children die every year because they are not immunized; some 1.8 million child deaths each year are from diarrhea; 2 kids are sold into slavery EVERY minute; 1.5 million kids are orphaned due to HIV/AIDS; and some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation. I can only think one thing, this is injustice...
This is not what God meant when He looked at everything He made and said, "it was very good." We have to make a change. We have to change the world. It has to start with us. God can't just magically fix everything. But he wants to use us, and he wants us to use his strength, wisdom, power, and love to change the world...
-justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.